To our Benson Customers, Friends, and Community,
In response to the COVID-19 outbreak and with the health and safety of our employees and customers paramount, the Benson’s Lighting showroom is closed to regular walk-in service. This will continue until the authorities deem it again safe to return to a more normal life in our community.
We are continuing to monitor and respond to phone inquiries and email communication. Also, we continue to receive product deliveries and accommodate existing customers with contactless curbside pick-up for completed orders or will ship to you via UPS.
Builders, Contractors, Design Professionals and Electricians – To keep your projects moving forward, we are here to accommodate your needs. You may place new orders, check on the status of existing orders, request quotations and, pick up existing orders.
For our retail customers, we encourage you to visit our website to search for products. You may place orders by phone or email. Now may just be the perfect time to move forward on your long-postponed home remodeling projects. We’re here to assist in any way we can.
Feel free to reach out to us. Most importantly, stay safe, practice “social distancing,” and look forward to when we will all return to our normal life.
Ric & Rebecca Jolie

If you would rather shop from the comfort of home, our website is open 24/7!
No hand sanitizer needed. This may be a good time to start the home improvement project you’ve been considering. Share your project ideas with us on FaceTime or Skype. Just call to make an appointment. We will put together some ideas – along with a quote – and send you an email. We guarantee our prices will match or beat the Internet.